

Cyl Brodeur, born a military brat, is a writer with no hometown. She has variously chosen Tacoma, Washington, Los Angeles, California, and New England as her homes of the heart, but currently lives in the latter region, wandering far and wide when opportunities present themselves. Cyl shares a home with numerous accomplices, including one primary anthropoidal playmate and several furry beings rescued from certain doom. 

As escape from her day job, by night she dons her nom de plume and wields her degree in English literature and her red pen from various volunteer editing gigs to slay dragons and solve crimes of her own creation.  “Brodeur,” by the way, is a family name which means “embroiderer” in French–an apt appellation for a fiction writer, no?  She adores good food, swing jazz and Lindy Hop. 

She urges you to consider fostering and adopting teenagers, because, if not you, who? 

Once upon a time, she dressed as Winnie-the-Pooh and posed for pictures at Sears with numerous small children before nearly succumbing to heat exhaustion.

Honorable Mention, Writer’s Digest 86th Annual Writing Competition (2017), Mainstream/Literary Short Story Category: Elegy for a Scorpion

Ninth Place, Writer’s Digest 88th Annual Writing Competition (2019), Mainstream/Literary Short Story Category:  Moth